Each class was an inexplicable energy. I left free, renewed, happy and grateful. I will never forget this experience!
- LEGACY Jazz Project Participant
PAT TAYLOR, Artistic Director
Growing our next generation of jazz dance ambassadors!
LEGACY Jazz Project is a FREE jazz dancing training program for teens ages 13-18. Dancers study the history, technique, theory and performance of West African dance traditions, Vernacular Jazz Dance, Katherine Dunham Technique, Classic Jazz Dance, Afro-Cuban and Afro-Brazilian Dance, Hip Hop, Improvisation and more with master teachers and guest choreographers; are mentored by JazzAntiqua company members; and have opportunities to perform within our immediate community and beyond.
SPRING 2025 - Saturdays: February 1 - March 22, 10:30am - 12pm
(Classic Jazz, Hip Hop, West African, Vernacular Jazz, Afro-Cuban, Improvisation, Choreography, Lester Horton and Katherine Dunham Techniques)
Check back for dates!
Nate Holden Performing Arts Center - 4718 W. Washington Blvd. Los Angeles, 90016
For more information, email: JAENGAGE@GMAIL.COM
Click here to register: REGISTRATION FORM
LEGACY Jazz Project is supported in part by the California Arts Council - a state agency, and Dance@theHolden.